
Pre-event for #LeanTOKYO! (5/16)

2013-05-16(木)19:30 - 22:00 JST


10F Pia bldg, 1-22-7 Dogenzaka, Shibuya, Tokyo 150-0043



Lean Startup Machine Tokyo- May 17-19:
まだチケットを買っていない方は割引コード「15leantokyo」を で使ってください!


Open Network Lab前田 紘典 氏による ”スタートアップ ピラミッド" についてのトークを聞くことができます。


このイベントにてあなたのアイデアのテストができます。またValidation Boardを使って、アイデアを検証されたアイデアへ変えることもできます!
Lean Startup Japan 和波 俊久 氏から顧客開発を学ぶことができます。


高橋 雄介 氏(AppSocially)、 杉江 理 氏(WHILL)(OpenNetworkLab)とのトークセッションを用意しています


倉貫 義人 氏(株式会社ソニックガーデン)
清川 忠康 氏(オーマイグラス株式会社)

Lean UXとランディングページの活用方法についてのトークを用意しています。

坂田 一倫 氏(Giftee)

最終ジャッジ は以下の方々になります。

Ian McFarland 氏(株式会社デジタルガレージ CTO)
佐々木 智也 氏(Open Network Lab CEO)
和波 俊久 氏(Lean Startup Japan)


EVERYONE is talking about #LeanTOKYO.

Lean Startup Machine has reached global markets including London, Sao Paulo, Silicon Valley, Singapore - and now we're coming to where Lean Startup originated from: TOKYO with a workshop from May 17-19!

Whether you've participated in one of our classes before, are registered for an upcoming workshop or are just curious to find out what it's all about - we invite you to attend our free Pre-Show on Thursday, May 16, 2013.

It will be your opportunity to meet some of our mentors, hear about the community we're creating around Lean Startup Machine, and learn how you can get involved. We also have a special presentation on startup metrics – why they’re important and which ones you should be using to evaluate your ideas.

Join us for some great conversation over free beers and snacks! Feel free to come alone or bring friends - just be sure to register here for the event as space is limited.
Since this is a free event, please register to save your spot as it will sell out fast.

Lean Startup Machine Tokyo- May 17-19: Register at

Want to learn how to lead a startup/team effectively? What makes a startup SUCCEED?

Don’t miss Hiro Maeda of Open Network Lab’s talk: “Startup Pyramid”

Have ideas? Want to know your customer? No idea how to do test your idea?

Come test your ideas and get them validated with the Validation Board!
Learn Customer Development from Toshihisa Wanami of Lean Startup Japan

Come hear from startups that went from Japan to 500 Startups Accelerator Program:

Yusuke Takahashi of AppSocially and Satoshi Sugie of WHILL (of ONL)

Learn from our MVP Panel:

Jason Winder of MakeLeaps, Yoshihito Kuranuki of Sonic Garden Japan, Tad Kiyokawa of OhMyGlasses

Learn how to apply Lean UX & Landing Page Design

Mario Sakata of Giftee

Our awesome judges:

Ian McFarland: CTO of Digital Garage, Tomoya Sasaki: CEO of Open Network Lab and Toshihisa Wanami: Founder of Lean Startup Japan.

Meet our Mentors and Speakers

The Lean Startup is a trademark and service mark owned by Eric Ries.


Lean Startup Machine Tokyo

Lean Startup Machine Tokyo

Lean Startup Machine:Lean Startup Machine(LSM)は3日間の集中ワーク ショップです。起業家とイノベーターがリーンスタートアップの原則を使い、新しいプロダクトやサービスのアイデアを検証します。LSMは、ニューヨーク・ロンドン・パロアル ト・ボストン・インスタンブール・トロントなどの主要な都市で開催しています。LSM は、優れたプロダクトを高速に構築す...
